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Are You Embarrassed By Your Sewing Skills? Here’s What To Do

You made a sewing project that you felt proud of until one of your sewing friends shows you the exact same craft they had made several years ago.

improve sewing skills

Their project turned out ten times better, as you instantly feel embarrassed about your sewing skills. Then you go through panic and despair that you will never turn into a good seamstress.

Place the self-doubt and panic away. There are several things you can do if you feel embarrassed by your sewing skills.

By using these tips, you can build up your confidence and learn to become a better seamstress;

Identify the issues that may be causing problems

It is frustrating that you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. If you are embarrassed by your sewing skills, you need to take a step back from actually making projects and identify what types of problems you are having. Then you can figure out the reason why they are happening so you can develop the right solutions to fix the issues.

Figure out if the sewing machine is the problem

Sometimes it isn’t your sewing skills that is truly the problem. The issue could be your sewing machine. Your skills may have advanced to the point where the basic sewing machine is hampering you from learning new skills. You may need to upgrade to a machine that matches your present skills. Another issue is that you are working on a machine that may be too advanced. If the machine fits your preferences and your skills, the problem could be that the machine needs serviced.

Get a beginner sewing book

Just jumping in feet first into the world of sewing doesn’t work out for everyone. You need to learn the basics first before you can advance. Get a good beginner book that helps walk you through the projects, talks about the sewing stitches that are available and provide you with step-by-step details.

Watch sewing videos

If you can’t get interested in reading a sewing book, then consider watching sewing videos. There are DVDs and free online videos to watch that will show you different sewing techniques. The great thing about videos is that you can pause and rewind as you are at the sewing machine so you can learn to make better stitches. One of my favorite sewing channels on Youtube is Dana from Made Everyday.

Take a sewing class

If you love being social and around other people who enjoy the sewing hobby, then consider taking a sewing class. With a sewing class, you have a sewing teacher who may be able to notice the issues that are holding you back in perfecting your sewing skills. They can instantly tell you what the problem is and show you ways to properly perform stitches and use the sewing machine.

Join an online sewing community

If you don’t have the time to get involved with classes, and like being on your own at the sewing machine, then consider joining an online sewing community. You can post questions, upload photos of projects and ask for advice from your sewing peers. Sometimes the support from the sewing community is just the right kind of encouragement you need to feel more confident in your sewing abilities and coax you to continue trying your best. This encouragement may be the only thing you need to realize you don’t have anything to be embarrassed about and that you are moving in the right direction to become a great seamstress.


You can’t get better unless you practice. Practicing doesn’t mean creating new projects. You need to just work on one specific part of your sewing skills, like making a straight stitch or a hem, over and over again until you feel comfortable with the results. If you are dedicated to practicing your skills, you will eventually see improvements as your projects will take on a better appearance.

Make the projects you like

One of the reasons why you may feel embarrassed with your sewing skills is because you are working on any project you find, yet not necessarily on ones that you particularly like. When you find a project you like, you take extra care in the little details. You slow down to enjoy the craft more, and use your full attention to bring out the best qualities of your sewing skills. Pick projects you are passionate about and can dedicate yourself to as you will eventually see positive results.

Honestly, there is no reason to feel embarrassed about your sewing. We all started at your level before, struggled to overcome issues, and found our grooves to become a better seamstress. You can do it too. Never expect to be great the moment you unpack a sewing machine. Take your time and enjoy what you are doing at the machine as you will become better once you put in the right amount of practice.

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