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About Us

About Me and This Site

There is nothing quite like mastering a skill. Whether it is a new language, a computer skill or something crafty like knitting or indeed, sewing. The sense of achievement is second to none – especially when you can proudly display the fruits of your labour. For me learning to craft was a part of my childhood – a rite of passage into the adult world I saw my mother inhabit.

I wanted a part of that and now I hope to impart some of the joy I feel when sitting learning an art (like sewing) to other people just embarking on that exciting journey.

One thing I can say about my early career is that it taught me the joys of sewing and making handmade items for my family and friends.

A few years ago I decided to start blogging and stumbled across a number of fantastic crafty blogs just like my own. My renewed interest in all things crafty led to me deciding to try blogging about my hobby – sewing. Sewing Made Simple was born. Alongside my day job, it is my number one passion.

In this blog you will be learning how to find the best sewing machine for beginners, reading sewing machine reviews and even following some free tutorials. Together I hope that we can achieve great things.

One thing I do know is that with perseverance, you can learn new skills in just a short time. Step by step, something wonderful happens – you learn confidence and anything becomes possible.

Sew Far Sew Good!

We hope you enjoy hanging out in our sewing room! We aim to motivate you to sew projects that will make you happy and proud. 

elna sewing machine review
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